When one thinks of leather shoes, the corporate world usually comes into mind. High-rise buildings, top-of-the-line power suits, even cutting-edge presentations in pitching and landing the next big idea to wealthy clients. The appeal of leather brings an air of sophistication, that matches up well with the professional and fast-forward nature of big time business. But, leather has also made an impact in a field that’s definitely not of flowcharts and marked-up financials. And that’s action sports, folks!
The Adio Amp shoes has amped up the world of extreme sports by bringing leather into the game. These shoes, stylish with a sleek look of pure leather finish, has also been designed to perform.
Protection and performance is guaranteed, with tough insoles and vulcanized rubber outsoles to allow skaters to do tricks, without hesitation and fear. Surprisingly as well is the air circulation that the shoes provide: it’s a truly refreshing and comfortable experience wearing these sneakers!
So the next time you want to amp up your style in the parks, make sure to wear Adio Amp Shoes. Leather isn’t a businessman’s affair with these shoes!
- Classic Design
- Pure Leather Finish
- Dual protection from insoles and outsoles
- Adio Amp has an extended toe cap. This means that the shoe was designed to be used by skate boarders who often do ollie tricks. The extended toe cap beefs up the shoe model’s protection for longer durability.
- Adio Amp’s low profile upper (part) heightens the shoe’s flexibility and performance. The total comfort will definitely give you an easy feeling when walking or skateboarding.
- The shoe model’s full length polyurethane also adds up to comfort and durability that you can find in this footwear.
- For the over all style, this one is a classic fit. It’s slim and specially designed for athletic fit – durable and cool.

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