Comfort and style, for most shoes, never seem to get together. More often than not, some shoes would flair their look, sacrificing safety and comfort in return. For other “safe” and comfortable shoes, bulk and often ugly stares are a guarantee.
For extreme skaters, this sort of problem seems to arise a lot – no one would want to kick a board up, only with his shoes grabbing the wrong sort of attention. And of course, it’ll work the other way around as well. No one would want to crash head first down a ramp, simply because his kicks didn’t get the proper grip and traction.
So it’s of a real relief to have a trusty pair of sneaks such as the Adio Modica shoes. Slick suede footwear, these durable shoes not only let skaters get the grip down, it’ll make them look great as well. Comfort is given as well with the ever-handy ventilation design in the shoes, a plus if you’re in the park the whole day long. The stitched design of the shoes not only serves as a cool and subtle factor – it’s an enhanced version of protecting and letting skaters do their ollies.
The Adio Modica shoe isn’t just a great pair of sneakers for the park. It’s comfortable and stylish look is also perfect for everyday walks. It’s even a great accessory for matching up in any sort of wardrobe. So if you want to have a pair of shoes that guarantees comfort and style, make sure to go for Adio Modica shoes.
- Suede Material
- Full-length PU midsole
- Tongue support straps
- This shoe model has a specialized ankle protection. If you’re a pro skater, you better choose this product for additional security when doing ollies and other skate boarding tricks.
- Did you know that when you do tricks like ollie, shoes are being put to a risk of getting worn out. Fret not, because Adio Modica has box stitchings that adds up for the ollie area protection.
- The shoe model is also fully protected with polyurethane for beefed up comfort and toughness.
- There are also available SST version of these shoes if you’re after the boosted skate protection.
- Black
- Red
- Blue
- Gray
- White

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